We are scientists, engineers, operators, and designers who know how to innovate, execute, and scale at every stage of a business.
We are

Peter Barrett
What’s your favorite thing about Playground?
I learn something new here everyday working with our team at the boundaries of hardware, software and AI. I’m inspired by entrepreneurs building watershed technologies that are challenging but consequential.

Jory Bell
What’s your “must read” book recommendation?
“Tetrascroll” by Buckminster Fuller

Bruce Leak
What invention will be ubiquitous when your kids are your age?
The holodeck will be used for “in-person” meetings making the daily commute unnecessary. Decoupling where we live from where we work will obviate the need for many office buildings and transit systems.

Benjamin Kim
If you weren’t working at Playground, right now you’d be …
… a full time triathlete.

Matt Hershenson
Why did you create Playground?
One of the greatest benefits we can provide to entrepreneurs is sharing what we learned in building our own companies.

Laurie Yoler
What philosophy or vision guides your work?
A tenacious, focused, interdisciplinary team of scientists, engineers, and marketers with the right leadership can create extraordinary companies.

Richard Becker
What’s the most valuable life skill you learned as a kid on the playground?
Always bring appropriate footwear.

Sarah Beresford

Nate Chang
What invention will be ubiquitous when your kids are your age?
Continuous glucose monitors.

Victoria Chernow
What philosophy or vision guides your work?
“Far and away the best prize that life has to offer is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.” -Teddy Roosevelt

Jeannie Entin

Justin Ernest
What’s the most valuable life skill you learned as a kid on the playground?
Always play like it’s your last game.

Jeff Freburg

Marissa Huang
What’s the most valuable life skill you learned as a kid on the playground?
Everyone has something valuable to contribute, so take the time to listen to their story.

Gael Huynh

Jasmine Jordan
What’s the most valuable life skill you learned as a kid on the playground?
To not be afraid to dunk on the boys in recess even though you’re a girl.

Clinton Lazzari
What’s your “must read” book recommendation?
Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking by Susan Cain
What’s the most valuable life skill you learned as a kid on the playground?
Invite everyone to join in on the fun!

Nancy Ly
What’s the most valuable life skill you learned as a kid on the playground?
Be patient.

Rahul Meka
If you weren’t working at Playground, right now you’d be …
Studying to be a horologist during the week and reviewing soccer games from around Europe during the weekend on Twitch.

Jeff Merver

Chika Nakasu

Sasha Ostojic
What’s your “must read” book recommendation?
“The Joy of Engineering Leadership” by Sasha Ostojic. A thriller with real world engineering twists and turns. Sitting on the bookshelf in my head.

Richard Peretz
Richard Peretz

Kendra Perlitz
What invention will be ubiquitous when your kids are your age?
Self-driving cars.

Marissa Ramirez de Chanlatte

Vilma Roa
If you weren’t working at Playground, right now you’d be …
… spending time with kids/family/loved ones and beach bumming.

Guocong Song
What’s your “must read” book recommendation?
“Romance of the Three Kingdoms” by Luo Guanzhong, but the English translation may lose some cultural meaning.

Nicole Sonnert

Shinya Suzuki
What philosophy or vision guides your work?
It is what it is, be adaptable, live in the moment, and have no expectations.

Jacqueline Tame

Sandy Taylor
What invention will be ubiquitous when your kids are your age?
Print at home clothes with reusable filament. Bespoke clothes – style, fit and color – that are benign to the environment.

Cici Tong
What’s the most valuable life skill you learned as a kid on the playground?
Teamwork makes the dreamwork!

Michelle Wagner

Kim Watson
What philosophy or vision guides your work?
Honesty, integrity, hard work and the desire to have fun and make a difference every day.

Phyllis Whiteley
What philosophy or vision guides your work?
“I not only use all the brains that I have, but all the brains I can borrow”. Woodrow Wilson

Hadley Wilkins

Greg Wilson
What invention will be ubiquitous when your kids are your age?
Digital currencies and assets.

Daniel Yum
If you weren’t working at Playground, right now you’d be …
… taking the specifications from the customer and bring them down to the software engineers! I have people skills! I am good at dealing with people!

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Join Our Team

Playground is really a partner for entrepreneurs and mission oriented founders. Their deep bench of operational and technical expertise has been invaluable as our company scales.
Michael Martin
CEO & Founder at RapidSOS